We offer our pupils a high quality of education, accessible to learners of varied abilities and different learning styles, whilst taking into consideration their social, emotional, behavioural and mental health needs.
The school is designated for 225 pupils with learning difficulties, and SEMH needs. Many pupils also have Autism Spectrum Conditions and communication difficulties or ADHD.
3-weeks today!
ART ATTACK TUESDAY: Falcons have started a new topic: All About Portraits. They started by creating a self-portrait by looking at their own faces and drawing what they could see. Well done Falcons Class.
Tomorrow: From our friends at Kent Family Hub #KentFamilyHub
You can attend either on-line or in person. Please call 01622 726773 or email psg@bower-grove.kent.sch.uk to book a space. We look forward to seeing you.
Royal Mail's letters to Santa programme! (ho-ho-ho)
Bower Grove School, Fant Lane, Maidstone, Kent, ME16 8NL