Academic Content
Each curriculum area has a designated subject leader, to oversee its organisation. Long, and medium planning systems follow the common framework adopted for curriculum planning and delivery throughout the school. There are common principles throughout the school but as an all-age school, there are naturally some variations between the organisational needs of the primary and secondary phases of the school.
The following link provides an overview of the content delivered in each academic year for every subject taught in the Primary and Secondary stages of the school.
KS1 and 2 Phonics
Bower Grove School adopts a systematic approach to teaching phonics, using the Department for Education (DfE) endorsed programme ‘Letters and Sounds’. This is organised into six progressive phases, in which pupils learn how to develop their phonological awareness. The objective of this inclusive programme is for our pupils to develop increasing fluency and understanding in their reading. For further information, please visit the websites below:
The reading scheme that the school follows is the Bug Club Reading Programme which is supplemented with the Dandelion Reading Scheme.
Theme of the Fortnight
Theme of the Fortnight has been developed to give our pupils a wider understanding of society and other cultures and to support them in making informed personal choices. A weekly lesson during form time is delivered to all pupils to enhance their spiritual, moral, social and cultural (SMSC) development. This also links to the whole school weekly assembly themes and is in addition to content taught to pupils in their World Beliefs and PSHE lessons.
Details of which topics are covered can be seen by clicking on the link below.
Bower British Values 
The Bower British Values of mutual respect, tolerance, individual liberty, democracy and rule of law, help our pupils to understand different faiths, identities, respect others' beliefs and understand the significance of others' ideas and experiences.
These are enhanced by Bower Grove's 3Rs values, which are respectful, responsible, and ready to learn.